An Ocean Alphabet


A is for Atlantic Ocean. Many animals live here.

B is for Bluefish. They have very sharp teeth.

C is for Catfish. They have long whiskers.

D is for Dolphin. They are mammals.

E is for Eel. Eels are slimy.

F is for Fish. Many of these live in the ocean.

G is for Grouper. They are big.

H is for Haddock. They look like a cod.

I is for the Irrawaddy Dolphin. Grows 8ft.

J is for Jellyfish. Their tenticales sting you.

K is for Krill. Whales eat it.

L is for Lobster. It tastes good.

M is for Minnow.Minnows are small.

N is for Northern Elephant Seal.Grows 18 ft.

O is for Octopus. They have 8 arms.

P is for Periwinkle. Some people call them snails.

Q is for Quahog. They are from North America.

R is for Redfish. They live in deep water.

S is for squid. You can eat them.

T is for Tuna. People eat them in sandwiches.

U is for Urchin. They have sharp spines.

V is for Viperfish. They have lights in their mouths.

W is for Wolffish. They have sharp teeth.

X is for X-ray eel. They can give you a shock.

Y is for Yellowfin. They are a kind of Tuna.

Z is for Zooplankton. They are tiny animals that float in the ocean.

-Sarah G. and Elizabeth S.