The Future of Our Oceans

In the future, we will have underwater and island cities. The ones that are in the middle of the ocean would have to have a super-strong bubble to protect them from Tsunamis. They would also need lots of boats for transport of food and other stuff the people would need.

The underwater ones would need a bubble so everyone wouldn't drown. They would also need a type of transport sub for food and supplies.

-Matthew M.


Future Underwater Cities


Most underwater cities of the future would be giant glass domes about 3/4 of a mile high and about 12 miles in diameter. They would house about 1,000,000 people each not including pets you could have. The cities would have everything from arenas for sports to zoos. The air would come from a long pipe all the way to the surface of the sea. If the pipe is clogged the tunnels to other cities will provide air.


-Frank H.



The future of the ocean depends on us. If we keep on polluting, the fish will die. There are prototype floating cities in China. If these prototypes become real, we may be able to save even more of the precious ocean. There could be floating water purifiers or breeding stations where we could pick up rare species of fish and breed them fast and easily. We would also be helping the animals if we migrate to floating cities. But there are obstacles, if we are living on floating cities, where will all of our waste go? These are problems the whole world will have to solve.

In the future, cities may be on the water, they could move anywhere or be stationary. They might even be able to go from land to water, or even fly. Buildings could detach from the cities and go to different places solo. There could be hovering cities and underwater buildings. One thing is true, anything is possible.

-Sarim A.

The ocean is not only important to us, the American people but to the whole world. Why? Because when you pollute the ocean, you are killing animals and lots and lots of plants under the ocean. How would you feel if you were animals under the sea and some big old fish came along and killed you with pollution? What did they ever do to you? They have just as much right to be here as we do. They have been here before us and will be here after.

Just think about the animals that you are killing: jellyfish, crabs, shrimps, sponges, I could go on forever. Plus, there are animals that we haven't even discovered that are in the deep of the ocean, so if you ever pollute, just think how you would be if you got polluted.

-Matt C.




The future of the ocean depends on us.We can't keep polluting or the ocean will not be able to support life. People are acting to save the ocean and what lives in it, but it is not helping enough. If we could just stop polluting our lives would be a lot easier.


-Alexi C.