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Starring Slippery Sam joseal8.gif (3550 bytes)

And Suzie Sidekick   sealpup.gif (4335 bytes)

Sam and Suzie go around the world fighting pollution and helping the environment!


Chapter 1

Sam and Suzie were in Australia for a holiday they were having heaps of fun in the sun, they visited relatives  at Seal Bay  Kangaroo Island  in South Australia. They swam  from Seal Bay to Shark Bay and visited the dolphins at Monkey Mia. Sam swam into his old school mate Danny Dolphin.  dolph.gif (17449 bytes)

They talked for so long that Suzie swam off and started talking to her friend Daphne Dolphin.dollphin.gif (5328 bytes)

Daphne said "Did you hear about the pilchard crisis in S.A..& Victoria.""No" answered Suzie "What's happening?""Pilchards are dying Left, Right and Centre!" Daphne told Suzie"Oh no" responded Suzie. Suzie swam as fast as she could back to Sam and Danny they were saying something about Mr. Slippery from the class of 1990. Suzie rudely interrupted them by saying "Sam there are pilchards dying along the coast of S.A. & Victoria!""Suzie a) You shouldn't interrupt b) You shouldn't lie."Sam replied sternly  "Sam a) Your not the boss of me b) I'm not lying." Sam opened his mouth to protest but Danny beat him to it. "It's true" he admitted "YOU HAVE KNOWN ALL THIS TIME AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sam was fuming, he and Suzie swam off without saying good bye.

Sam and Suzie swam back to S.A. they teamed up with some of the best scientists in the country that were working on the Pilchard Crisis. There was fish everywhere. fish4.gif (7106 bytes)For weeks they worked on the Pilchard Case, the scientists said that Sam and Suzie were a big help.

In the end they managed to figure out that it was a virus that was causing the fish to die, but they never figured out what type of virus it was!

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Hallet Cove South Primary School

Story Constructed By Damon Nazeran , Rhiannon Docherty and Bonnie Williams.

Kamo Elementary School Central Elementary School